results offspring
Top ten weekendresults offspring of our stallions
* Hilton vd Breepoel (by Contact): 5th place 1.50m @Tryon NC USA
* Instit de Jucaso (by Cooper): 1st place 1.45m @CSI**** Poznan
* Hacienda d'eversem (by Contact): 6th place 1.45m @CSI**** Poznan...
* Hector by Picobello (by Contact x Orlando): 6th place 1.55m @Tryon NS USA
De ex- van de heffinck paardjes alsook de nakomelingen van onze hengsten doen het goed!
*Erasmus vd heffinck (by Cartier) 9th 1.40m @CSI****Poznan
*Record d'oreal (by Cartier): 4e 1.40m CSI***** Sankt Gallen
*Figaro (Cartier) 5th 1.45m @Chantilly
*Kometa pkz (Cooper x Clinton): 2nd YH CSI Lisnyky...
*Jac-k v Kattenheye (Diabeau): 4th YH 1.40m @CSI Rome
* VDL groep Jos vd abdijhoeve (cooper): clear round 7y old CSI Opglabbeek
*Isolde vd Heffinck (Contact x Orlando) great clear round 1.40m CSI Opglabbeek and qualified for small GP
*Henkie van 't Laerhof (Contact): winner 1.35m @CSI Oglabbeek
OOK ex vd Heffinck hengsten Infernape vd Caatshoeve en Fantast vh Zwarte Pannenhof presteren op 1.45m niveau!!